- People who say anything is possible… CLEARLY haven’t tried slamming a revolving door.
- Remember…. light is faster than sound. Case in point… A lot of people look intelligent until they speak.
- Why does Monday have to be so far from Friday but Friday so close to Monday?
- Being popular on Facebook is like sitting at the cool table in the cafeteria at a mental hospital.
- Whenever u have a problem…just sing your favourite song. You will realize that your voice is far worse than your problem.
- I love sleep, because my life has the tendency to fall apart when I am awake.
- Santa and Banta are walking on the road. Santa says ?Look, a dead bird.? Banta looks up in the sky, ?WHERE, WHERE??
- How come Mario can smash through bricks, yet he dies when he touches a freakin turtle?
- Congratulations!! You are the 100th person to view my status. To see your prize please click Control + W.
- DRAMA = (D)umbass (R)etards (A)skinq for (M)ore (A)ttention. .
- If you notice, this notice, then you notice, that this notice, wasn’t really worth noticing.
- All I got you for your birthday was this post. Hope you enjoy it! Try not to read it all at once. Happy Birthday!
- Facebook needs a bite me button along with..punch, nudge, assassinate, shoot, hang…need i go on 🙂
- Why can a nose never be twelve inches long? Because then it would be a foot.
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