Looking for Love Status ?
If yes , you are in right place . Our wonderful Collection of Best Love Status set you amused and as well as cheer up. Love is the most adorable and fantastic feeling in the world. No one can explain the feelings when he/ she in love. 123whatsappstatus gives you the words or love status through which you can express your feelings and thoughts. Nowdays people want to set their whatsapp status to show their love feelings towards the someone special or to the whole world. Our list of Best Love Status & Quotes helps you to find the proper lines, quotes that you can share with your beloved ones and feel them special. So , don’t waste your time now take a look of the top best love status here .
- You will feel love more when you are alone. Happy Valentines Day
- Love is an electric blanket with somebody else in control of the switch. Happy Valentines Day
- Love is not to be purchased….and affection has no price… Happy Valentines Day
- A kiss is something you cannot give without taking and can not take without giving. Happy Valentines Day
- If two past lovers remain friends…..they are either still in love or they never were. Happy Valentines Day
- The only guy that will ever be good enough for yours the one who thinks he does not deserve you. Happy Valentines Day
- Not all guys are players….but all players are guys…..and their favorite game is to make you cry.
Best Love Status checkout this list :
- Love without friendship is life without hope. Happy Valentines Day
- Love unexpressed is a crime against the heart. Happy Valentines Day
- Love those who love you. Happy Valentines Day
- Love that is not madness is not love. Happy Valentines Day
Best Love Quotes for Whatsapp & FB
- Everything fair in love and war. Happy Valentines Day
- All love is vanquished by a succeeding love. Happy Valentines Day
- Absence sharpens love… presence strengthens it. Happy Valentines Day
- Absence makes the heart fonder? of somebody else. Happy Valentines Day
People visiting this page have searched for best love status , romantic status , short love quotes .