Love Status – Top Best Love Quotes & Status

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Looking for Love Status ?
If yes , you are in right place . Our wonderful Collection of Best Love Status set you amused and as well as cheer up. Love is the most adorable and fantastic feeling in the world. No one can explain the feelings when he/ she in love. 123whatsappstatus gives you the words or love status through which you can express your feelings and thoughts. Nowdays people want to set their whatsapp status to show their love feelings towards the someone special or to the whole world. Our list of Best Love Status & Quotes helps you to find the proper lines, quotes that you can share with your beloved ones and feel them special. So , don’t waste your time now take a look of the top best love status here .

  • Hey, did I mention that I kinda sorta fell in love with you?
  • If there is anything that I learned is that it is okay to be flawed–because sometimes those flaws attract the right person.
  • Okay so you got my attention, now what are you going to do to keep it?
  • if you don’t give someone the love and attention they desire then someone else will.
  • If you don’t give her the attention that she needs there is always someone out there that would love too
  • I know what I have done and I know what I must do so please accept my apology and remember I love you
  • lord knows i love you but some days i just want to ring your neck!!

Best Love Status checkout this list :

  • Anniversaries come once a year but the love u share with your one true love comes every day.
  • There is no love greater than that of a wagging tail, a lick on the face and a warm paw. Love my dogs.
  • Love your pets no matter what, because one day they could be gone, then you’ll realize just how much they really meant to you.
  • Like my status if you think that an animal abusers that get put in jail should get abused the same way the animal did!

Best Love Quotes for Whatsapp & FB

  • Hunting isn’t a sport, the other side doesn’t know they’re playing!
  • Every ten seconds, an animal is abused. stop that from happening. love animals.
  • a grand-daughter is a sweet little angel sent down from heaven for us to love
  • i sent an angel to check on you & she came back, I asked her why & she said angels don’t check on other angels

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